
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

Employee Spotlight: William Bosse


We are lucky to have a team of skilled and talented people working for us here at Dresner Group. As our services would not be available without them, we thought it was only fair to give our team members the recognition they deserve and help you get to know them a little better. Here, we’re directing your attention to Will Bosse, one of our Service Desk Engineer.

What is your role at Dresner Group?
I am a Service Desk Engineer

What do you like most about Dresner Group?
I learn something new every day

What do you like most about your job?
The people I work with and the interactions with our clients.

What is your favorite part about working for Dresner Group?
Learning something new every day

What are 3 words you would use to describe Dresner Group?
Fun Exciting Knowledgeable Personal

Do you have a favorite newspaper, blog, technology resource?
That would be the Googles.

If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
I would have to say Arnold Schwarzenegger as I’m a huge fan of his movies.

People would be surprised if they knew:
I never been on a plane

What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
I have a passion for collecting Legos. I also and an avid PC gamer on my free time

What’s your favorite thing to do in Maryland?
I like going to Flea markets and yard sales

What’s on your bucket list?
I love to go back to Florida and check out some of the amusement parks like Lego land Harry potter and Disney’s Star Wars.

What’s your favorite movie of all time?
Aliens and terminator 2

Do you have pets?
4 cats and a frog

Do you have a hidden talent?
I’m not sure if it counts as a talent but I am really good at fixing stuff without instructions

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like watching 80’s action movies and playing strategy games

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