
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

How to Minimize Cybersecurity Sprawl

How to Minimize Cybersecurity Sprawl

Obviously, we won’t tell you to cut down on your cybersecurity. That said, it can be easy to overinvest and overreach if you aren’t careful about what you’re implementing. This phenomenon is known as cybersecurity sprawl, and if not prevented, it can easily have serious consequences for your business. Let’s go into how to avoid this sprawl.

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15 Ways Modern Technology Can Make Your Business More Money

15 Ways Modern Technology Can Make Your Business More Money

A lot of business owners consider IT to be an expense, a cost of doing business, a necessary evil. This is likely subjective and based on your own experience, but when done correctly, IT is meant to be a profit center for your business.

In this article, we'll explore more than 15 ways modern technology can help make your business more money, from increasing sales and improving customer relations to cutting costs and driving growth.

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Why It’s Good to Purge Your Digital Waste

Why It’s Good to Purge Your Digital Waste

So, what is digital waste?

Digital waste is all the useless data in our data storage that lingers until we do something with it. Extra files no longer needed, old emails and chats, and old, blurry pictures you never have and will never use… all qualify as digital waste. While it’s easy to discount digital waste as an annoyance (which it certainly can be), it creates a much bigger and more serious problem.

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How to Keep Engagement Up (Even in a Remote or Hybrid Workplace)

How to Keep Engagement Up (Even in a Remote or Hybrid Workplace)

Remote and hybrid work models have become more popular than ever, in no small part thanks to the improved technology businesses of all sizes can now access. Nevertheless, this shift has brought new challenges for organizations everywhere. One such challenge is maintaining and enhancing remote workplace engagement—a crucial aspect that directly impacts employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

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Automating Management Tasks Can Keep You Ahead of IT Problems

Automating Management Tasks Can Keep You Ahead of IT Problems

In business technology, automation reigns supreme, especially for tedious tasks that offer little to the individual performing them. Remote management epitomizes such tasks, and strategic automation can greatly enhance organizational productivity. Let’s examine how automation can help you stay proactive. 

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How to Scale a Growing Business (Using Technology to Your Advantage)

How to Scale a Growing Business (Using Technology to Your Advantage)

If you could generate more revenue without spending more, wouldn’t you?

If you share most people's goals and aspirations, the answer is a resounding and enthusiastic “yes.” Scaling a business is an important element of continued success—provided it is carried out correctly. Let’s discuss how you can help ensure your success, partly by implementing the right technology.

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CRM Options that Meet the Size of Your Business

CRM Options that Meet the Size of Your Business

Maintaining positive customer relationships is an extremely important consideration for every business. One of the best tools any business can use is the customer relationship management (CRM) platform. While most CRMs have similar features, some come with more advancements; and higher costs. Today, we will get into what type of CRM you should consider for each level of business.

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The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The end of the year is always a great time to look back on the past and look forward to the future and what it might look like. One way you can do this is by looking to cut out some of the clutter within your organization’s network by examining how often your applications are used and which services you are subscribed to.

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How to Use Technology to Manage Business Complexity

How to Use Technology to Manage Business Complexity

Businesses are complex beasts, and there can be a lot of moving parts that need to be addressed in order for them to run effectively. Business technology can aid in this effort quite substantially. Here are four ways you can implement technology to help make managing your business easier.

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Agile Decision Making Can Significantly Help a Business

Agile Decision Making Can Significantly Help a Business

Successful businesses often need to adapt to changing market conditions, consumer preferences, and industry trends. This means that they have to not only understand their business, but they also need to stay open to making innovative changes. Let’s look at six examples of changes that the average business may need to make to remain successful.

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How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

Business continuity is a tricky beast, and one that is best fought with proactive and preventative measures. The reason for this is simple: any situation where your business’ data is put at risk could mean the end, and we are not catastrophizing when we say that. Let’s look at two issues that are only small problems at the surface level, but could snowball into serious problems.

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10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

Service businesses, which provide intangible services rather than physical products, often require specific software to manage their operations efficiently and enhance customer service. Some of the most important software for service businesses include:

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Maximizing Cost Savings: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Business Technology

Maximizing Cost Savings: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Business Technology

In the always-moving and competitive landscape of the modern business world, the ability to save money is not just a luxury, but a necessity for the survival, success, and growth of any company. With ever-increasing operational costs, businesses are constantly on the lookout for effective strategies to cut down expenses without compromising on the quality of their products or services. One area where significant cost savings can be achieved is through the strategic use of modern technology and managed IT services. Let’s look at how businesses can leverage these powerful tools to reduce expenses, increase efficiency, and enhance their bottom line.

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Why Having a Superior Monitoring Strategy is Simply Good Business

Why Having a Superior Monitoring Strategy is Simply Good Business

It's essential for every responsible business owner or manager to maintain vigilant oversight of their operations. Often, the demands of running a business can obscure a clear view of its functioning. Let’s explore the significant advantages that a conscientious monitoring platform can offer your organization.

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Technology Can Save Your Business Considerable Capital Through Efficient Procedures

Technology Can Save Your Business Considerable Capital Through Efficient Procedures

The biggest problems that a business faces are the ones that drain your coffers and cost your business capital. Here are some technology solutions your company can implement to keep inefficiencies from costing your organization needlessly.

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To Build Efficiency, Investing in IT Is a Good Strategy

To Build Efficiency, Investing in IT Is a Good Strategy

When it comes to running a business, it's not a single task but a web of interconnected responsibilities that collectively determine its efficiency. For smaller businesses, this web can feel even more intricate, demanding more from their limited workforce. This month, we want to shed light on the substantial impact that even modest technological investments can have on a business's operations.

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Efficiency is Possible Through Technology

Efficiency is Possible Through Technology

Gaining efficiencies inside your business can make a world of difference to how it runs, but also how it is viewed by your customers. An efficient business can do more and react much faster than one that is constantly struggling to streamline things. Let’s look at five things you can do to create a more efficient workflow.

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Are Your Actions Contradicting Your Best Interests?

Are Your Actions Contradicting Your Best Interests?

It isn’t uncommon for businesses to engage in actions that seem to directly contradict their own best interests. This is called self-sabotage, and it can be a costly and extremely debilitating phenomenon for a business. Let’s go through some of the actions that may be holding your business back, even if you don’t realize it. 

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Inject Some Flexible Bureaucracy to Help Your Struggling Processes

Inject Some Flexible Bureaucracy to Help Your Struggling Processes

If you want your business to grow, then you’re going to have to get used to dealing with complex problems that require complex solutions. You can implement technology to make solving these challenges easier, but at the same time, you want to be careful that the solutions you implement are not going to get in the way of productivity. Today, we want to discuss good old-fashioned bureaucracy, and how while you might not want to build it into your strategy, it will probably happen anyway.

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Is Remote Work Any More Environmentally Friendly Than In-Office?

Is Remote Work Any More Environmentally Friendly Than In-Office?

It isn’t uncommon to hear about how much working from home has environmental benefits—and on its face, this claim makes a lot of sense. We did have to wonder, however, how much greener remote work really is—if at all.

Let’s go into why the question of whether remote work is the environmentally friendly option isn’t as clear-cut as you might expect.

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Columbia, MD - Dresner Group is proud to announce its sponsorship of the upcoming ABC Joint Tech Summit, a premier event hosted by the four local chapters of the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC). The summit, spanning two days, will be held o...

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