
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

How to Prioritize IT Without Getting Hands-On

How to Prioritize IT Without Getting Hands-On

As a business leader, you may often have to take on a few different roles: decision-maker, salesman, mentor, strategist, and often, tech support. While all of these responsibilities must be seen to, information technology support simply shouldn’t be in the boss’ purview.

Your Focus is Needed Elsewhere in Your Business

Before you do anything else, ask yourself, is this task a good use of your business’ biggest Consider your typical workday. What should you be accomplishing, and how much of it is actually being accomplished? If you’re like many business leaders, you may find that the small fires that break out throughout your day have a tendency to push your established responsibilities to the side. One thing to consider is your level of delegation, but that’s a discussion for another time.

More often than not, it makes good “time on task” sense to outsource a particular job to a trained professional. Whether it’s a new roof or digging a septic, a professional can get the job done faster, use best practices and ultimately, save you money. Your time is better spent running your business, and following up on leads - and in the case of your IT, not chasing down server errors or expired software licenses.

Why Outsource Your IT?

A significant feature of outsourcing your IT services is its affordability. You will never have to worry about the unexpected expense of repairing a network, workstation or compromised security problem again. When you outsource your IT, you take advantage of a flat-rate, easy-to-budget plan, based on your needs.

Most importantly with a flat-rate model in place, no matter how costly the resolution to a technology-based problem is, you still pay a consistent monthly fee. As a result, a capital expense becomes an affordable operational expense, resulting in a positive effect on your bottom line and peace of mind.

Outsourcing IT provides a wide range of benefits to your business:

  • IT consulting, ensuring that your infrastructure is optimized to your usage needs.
  • Remote computer support, keeping your employees productive in the face of issues.
  • Optimized technology, allowing you access to similar capabilities as enterprise businesses.
  • Predictable costs, enabling you to keep your IT budget in check.

Turn to Dresner Group for Your Outsourced IT

Letting Dresner Group manage your IT frees up capital and empowers your staff to be more productive. In turn, this allows your business to be nimble enough to adapt to the changing business market, without being stuck with finicky, outdated technology. Most importantly, it allows you the ability to focus on your business and not your IT.

Call us today at (410) 531-6727 to learn more!

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