
Dresner Group Blog

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Securing Your Endpoints Can Help Thwart Cybersecurity Troubles


How many devices or points of access do you have for your business’ data infrastructure? Chances are it’s more than you think, at least at first glance. If you count up all the mobile devices, server units, workstations, laptops, and so on that have access to your network, you might suddenly realize how important it is to secure all of these endpoints, as any unsecured device could be a path forward for hackers.

What is an Endpoint?

In short, an endpoint is any device that interacts with your data infrastructure. Examples include smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, networking devices, servers, routers, and so on. Essentially, any device that has access to your infrastructure in any way can be considered an endpoint, so you must do what you can to make sure they are secured. Otherwise, you could be inadvertently putting your data at risk.

Considering the fact that many employees are still working remotely, and likely will for the foreseeable future, you must consider where and how your employees are accessing the data on your network. It doesn’t matter if the device is employee-owned or company-owned; it still needs to be secured, perhaps even at the infrastructure level.

What Can You Do to Protect Them?

We’ve put together a list of practices you can use to improve endpoint security for your organization’s infrastructure:

  • Implement enterprise-level security solutions including a firewall, antivirus, spam blocker, and content filter
  • Consider a zero-trust policy to ensure all users authenticate their identities before being granted access to data
  • Use a virtual private network to encrypt traffic into and out of your network
  • Consider permissions of all users on your network
  • Train your staff on how to identify potential attacks against your network
  • Back up your data just in case you need to restore it in the future
  • Secure devices that you don’t think need to be secured, like Internet of Things devices—perhaps even on their own network separate from your business’ operational connection

Get Us On Your Side!

If you need cybersecurity professionals to back up your endpoint security, we’ve got you covered. Dresner Group can help you implement any and all solutions you need to keep your business safe. With us on your side, you’ll know that your data is well-protected, no matter which device is accessing it.

To learn more about what we can do for your business, reach out to us at (410) 531-6727.

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