
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

3 Huge Benefits of Adding Help Desk Support to Your Staff

3 Huge Benefits of Adding Help Desk Support to Your Staff

Do you have employees who struggle with their technology? Chances are that there will always be individuals who are not as proficient with it as you might expect, and without a dedicated IT resource to ask for assistance, they might get frustrated and disengage with their work. You need to provide the right support to your employees, and you’re in luck; we have just the right solution to your problems: a help desk!

Improved Operations

You cannot leave IT support to your employees, especially when they have not been trained and lack the technological experience to solve specific problems. Sometimes, businesses might leave it to their employees to solve their own technological challenges, but this is counterintuitive. By giving your employees someone to ask about IT-related issues they might experience, you can make your team more effective and efficient.

More Generous Billing

Help desks used to essentially make their fortunes by charging by the hour or by contact. In essence, their business model was based around indirectly exploiting your employees who would contact them for assistance with any small thing that was challenging them (and sometimes taking too long to solve the problem). If employees know they are costing the business too much money by asking for help, they might not seek out the help out of fear of retribution. A comprehensive managed help desk, on the other hand, provides a consistent billing structure that you can easily budget for. If your employees know it’s okay to ask for help, they will be more likely to do so.

Decreased Downtime

One big challenge that comes from failing to ask for help in a timely manner is the downtime that can occur as a result. If your employee is responsible for maintaining their own desktop, you can bet that they will have questions that they don’t immediately have the answer to. Instead of just hoping they will figure it out, give them access to someone who knows unequivocally how to solve all of their problems: an outsourced help desk.

A Help Desk is the Right Call for Your SMB

Offering your employees a help desk is one of the best ways to improve your organization's operations. It ensures that your team stays productive and gives them more time to do what you hired them to do. The extra productivity and efficiency might be just what your business needs to get the edge over your local competitors.

If you are ready to commit to a managed help desk solution, Dresner Group can provide you with our best-in-the-business services, designed to save you money while improving efficiency. Call us at (410) 531-6727 to learn more.

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