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Common Terms in Networking Explained

Common Terms in Networking Explained

All businesses depend on the Internet in at least some capacity, and it’s so commonplace and accessible these days that people often take it for granted. However, a lot of work goes into making sure that the infrastructure you know as the Internet remains accessible and operational. Let’s go over the hardware you’ll need to ensure you stay connected.


The modem converts digital data from a computer into analog signals for transmission over analog communication lines (think fiber or cable), as well as the other way around. It’s the central hub of your network that allows you to connect to the Internet.


The router is the device that connects networks to each other, i.e. your connection between your local network and the Internet. It is responsible for routing data packets between devices in your network to external networks.


The network switch can connect to multiple devices within your local area network, or LAN. They operate at the data link layer of the Open Systems Interconnection model, routing data to devices that they are intended for.

Access Point

You’ll use a wireless access point to either create or extend your wireless networks. These are the devices that allow Wi-Fi enabled devices to connect to the network.


A firewall is a security device that helps you keep tabs on network traffic, allowing you to filter and monitor it as needed. It can keep unauthorized users from accessing the network, as well as prevent a myriad of other security threats. These need to be periodically updated to ensure that they have the most up-to-date threat definitions.

Network-Attached Storage

With network-attached storage systems, you can store and manage data, making it accessible across the network. This gives your business the ability to share files or back up data easily.

Sometimes today you’ll see networks that forsake physical connections in favor of remote or wireless ones, which is perfectly fine when the situation calls for it. However, you want to work with a professional in this case to ensure that you are going about it securely and effectively. To learn more, call us today at (410) 531-6727.

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