
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

3 of the Biggest Challenges SMBs Face with Their Technology

3 of the Biggest Challenges SMBs Face with Their Technology

Your business might depend on technology, but if it’s not managed properly, this dependence can become a detriment. Small businesses in particular must be aware of several challenges specific to their technology infrastructures. Let’s examine three of the most common culprits for your company’s technological troubles and what you can do about them.

Cybersecurity Problems

Cyberattacks have always been a problem for businesses, but the sheer scope and scale of them have only grown with time. Most businesses rely on technology to the point where they would not be able to function without it. Small businesses often lack the resources and expertise required to keep security at the top of their mind, making them more vulnerable than larger organizations to potential security challenges. SMBs can make up for this shortcoming by using reliable security systems that allow them to routinely update hardware and software, educate employees on cybersecurity, and implement security measures like multi-factor authentication and complex password strategies (further augmented by password managers).

Limits to Your IT Infrastructure

SMBs often have difficulty with their IT infrastructures. These difficulties range from using outdated hardware, inefficient networks, to not having enough storage that scales alongside their organization. Small businesses do have an out, however; they can use cloud-based computing resources and services for more flexible and cost-effective solutions that can grow alongside the business. Additionally, these cloud-based services often have collaboration tools baked into them, allowing small businesses to better communicate and get work done. This means that companies can glean all the benefits of a complex IT infrastructure without managing all of it internally.

Not Having IT Support at All

In addition to the problems plaguing small businesses and their technology management, SMBs often have no one on staff dedicated exclusively to managing their technology. They might make do with their employees’ general technology knowledge, something which you should never count on exclusively. SMBs can work with a managed service provider, or MSP, to address this particular shortcoming. Dresner Group is happy to help address issues related to your technology, and working with our technicians can lead to decreased downtime, greater productivity, and less frustration amongst your staff.

If you want to make the most of your technology, we recommend you work with Dresner Group. To learn more about how your business can better leverage its technology to its benefit, call us today at (410) 531-6727!

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