
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, and Bel Air.

Technology is Behind Great Marketing Strategies

Technology is Behind Great Marketing Strategies

With technology being such a massive part of business today, many organizations are looking to use it to their advantage. One aspect of the business that is increasingly significant is their ability to stand out amongst their competition. Let’s take a look at a few technologies that can improve your organizational marketing efforts.

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Baltimore Businesses Need to Protect Themselves with Modern Digital Surveillance

Baltimore Businesses Need to Protect Themselves with Modern Digital Surveillance

In an era where security is a non-negotiable aspect of business operations, Baltimore businesses are no exception. The rise in crime rates and the need for accountability make it imperative for local businesses to invest in modern digital surveillance systems. Advanced cameras and security solutions not only deter criminal activity but also provide a robust framework for asset protection, 24/7 monitoring, and access control.

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The Impact Ransomware Has on All of Us

The Impact Ransomware Has on All of Us

We’ve spent the last few weeks discussing ransomware's impacts on different subsets. First, we discussed how a ransomware attack impacts the customers of the infected business, and then we touched on the infected business itself. To end, we want to touch on ransomware's impacts on society, specifically regarding economic health and geopolitical security, known as third-order harms.

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Have You Ever Considered What a Ransomware Attack Actually Does to Your Business?

Have You Ever Considered What a Ransomware Attack Actually Does to Your Business?

Last week, we discussed the many impacts your business suffering from ransomware has on “second-order harm,” downstream businesses, and average, ordinary people. This time, we wanted to return to “first-order harms”… those the impacted business has to deal with itself.

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Have You Ever Considered What a Ransomware Attack Would Do to Your Customers?

Have You Ever Considered What a Ransomware Attack Would Do to Your Customers?

It can be too easy to look at ransomware as a business problem. After all, it attacks businesses, locking down their data for ransom, often selling it or spreading it, and sometimes altering it for the business if returning it at all. It can be too easy to overlook another impacted target in all the mess.

What happens to the people whose data a business has collected and uses?

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Opportunities Only Matter if You Embrace Them

Opportunities Only Matter if You Embrace Them

Businesses need a certain degree of good fortune to continue to grow in the manner in which they project when they hang out their shingle. With so many businesses failing after a very short time, taking advantage of the opportunities you’re given is extremely important. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll go through some of the things that a business can do to take better advantage of some opportunities. 

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Important Steps For Improving Customer Satisfaction

Important Steps For Improving Customer Satisfaction

The modern customer is more educated than ever before. As a result, you have to have an active strategy to build great customer experiences so you can retain business with them. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll go over some things you can do to improve your customer relationships. 

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Professional Services IT Has Come a Long Way

Professional Services IT Has Come a Long Way

Professional services make up a significant portion of the business landscape. They can be broadly defined as any organization with trained professionals at the center offering a service of note. The most common professionals under this umbrella term are lawyers, agents, consultants, and others who help businesses in their day-to-day operations. Let’s explore some of the technology that fuels professional service providers.

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Which Leadership Style Do You Tend to Use in Your Business?

Which Leadership Style Do You Tend to Use in Your Business?

Leadership can take many forms. As a leader in your own company, it can pay to understand what form of leadership you tend to express when working with your team. Let’s review some leadership styles to see if anything resonates.

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Finding Reliable Managed IT Services in Baltimore: A Game-Changer for Small Businesses

Finding Reliable Managed IT Services in Baltimore: A Game-Changer for Small Businesses

Modern business technology is complicated. Baltimore businesses need a reliable IT partner who can help them implement, maintain, and protect their IT infrastructure.

By outsourcing your IT support to a reliable managed IT service provider near you, you can focus on growing your business while leaving the technical aspects to the experts. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of finding reliable managed IT services near you and how it can be a game-changer for small businesses.

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3 of the Biggest Challenges SMBs Face with Their Technology

3 of the Biggest Challenges SMBs Face with Their Technology

Your business might depend on technology, but if it’s not managed properly, this dependence can become a detriment. Small businesses in particular must be aware of several challenges specific to their technology infrastructures. Let’s examine three of the most common culprits for your company’s technological troubles and what you can do about them.

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Protect Your Business and Your Customers: The Importance of Modern Cybersecurity Practices

Protect Your Business and Your Customers: The Importance of Modern Cybersecurity Practices

Keep Your Business Insurance Payments Low: Invest in Modern Cybersecurity Best Practices

If you’ve recently renewed your business insurance, or you are about to, you might have noticed that your insurance provider is starting to ask you questions about your overall IT security. Depending on how you answer these questions, they may increase your premiums or choose to not cover your business at all. This raises the question—how can my Maryland business lower my insurance costs and properly protect my business from cyberattacks?

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Are You Equipped to Handle Your Compliance Needs, Regarding Cybersecurity?

Are You Equipped to Handle Your Compliance Needs, Regarding Cybersecurity?

Regulations and compliance standards are in place for effectively every industry to uphold, many of which address cybersecurity in some way or another. Let’s talk for a moment about why compliance to these standards is of the utmost importance for your organization.

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The Massive Difference Between a Business that Values Technology and One that Doesn’t

The Massive Difference Between a Business that Values Technology and One that Doesn’t

It was only a few decades ago that purchasing a couple of computers for a business was almost the same investment as purchasing a decent company van. In 1986, a business could spend $3500 on a single Compaq Portable II, which was a 24 lb monstrosity with a tiny 9-inch screen. Alternatively, a Chevy Astro Cargo Van cost about $7800 around the same year. 

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Why Cyber Insurance is a Smart Investment

Why Cyber Insurance is a Smart Investment

Despite not wanting to think about cybersecurity incidents derailing your operations, it’s important nevertheless to consider them before it’s too late to do anything about them. These days, businesses need to invest considerable capital into protections, including a cyber insurance policy to cover all of their bases.

Let’s discuss some of your options for cybersecurity insurance and what you’ll need to know to make the most informed decisions possible.

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Some of the Biggest Lessons We’ve Learned From 20 Years in Business


When you’ve been doing business for a while, you pick up a few things. We’ve been around for (as of this writing) twenty years now and have resultantly learned quite a bit—and, since we’re in the business of helping other businesses grow, we figured we’d share a bit of what we’ve learned.

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Small Businesses are Starting to Embrace AI


Artificial intelligence has several uses in the business world, many of which utilize machine learning. With greater access to this technology than ever before, small businesses have more opportunities to grow as a result. Let’s go over how SMBs can utilize AI, including how to get started with it.

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How Can an IT Consultant Improve My Business?

How Can an IT Consultant Improve My Business?

As businesses grow, the technology that they use needs to adjust. For example, once a business requires more than one computer, it needs a network. Once a business has multiple users trying to access the same information across multiple devices, it needs a server (or the cloud). Every step of growth requires more complexity when it comes to technology.

This is where an IT consultant comes in, and they can help you navigate the options and establish a budget for your technology as your business evolves and grows.

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Smaller Business Have Problems Adopting Useful Technologies

Smaller Business Have Problems Adopting Useful Technologies

Technology adoption can be a major issue for many businesses, mostly due to the variable costs of adding new technologies to a business’ cache of technology tools. For smaller businesses, adding new technologies that will allow them to compete with larger businesses can be even more difficult. Let’s take a look at the adoption gap between larger businesses and smaller businesses and why they are having a hard time closing it. 

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When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Consider a Top-Down Approach

When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Consider a Top-Down Approach

Cybersecurity is one aspect of running a business that absolutely cannot be underestimated in its importance. It doesn't matter if you’re a huge enterprise or a small business; if you don’t take cybersecurity seriously, there is a very real possibility that your organization could be threatened in the near future. The easiest way to ensure your business’ continuity is to develop an internal culture of cybersecurity, and it starts from the top-down with you, the boss.

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